I’m serving at the bar of a club when a woman orders a soda. I pour the drink and serve it to her.


Woman: “I want the ice at the bottom of the glass, please.”

Me: “Yes, ma’am, I did put the ice in first.”

Woman: “No, I want it at the bottom of the glass otherwise it hurts my teeth when I drink.”

At this point, as the woman has said this with a straight face and appears quite calm. I think she’s joking.

Me: [laughing] “I can give you a straw, but changing the laws of physics is a bit beyond me I’m afraid.”

The woman goes a shade of red and starts yelling.

Woman: “Who the f*** do you think you are to talk to me like that?! You’re boss will hear about this; it’s just unacceptable!”

The woman stormed out and I was left shell-shocked at the bar. Funnily enough, she did complain about my rude and disrespectful service, and after two weeks of meetings with management she got banned.☕️