Faking Work from Home can get you Fired!
Despite advertising claims of preventing your Mac from going to sleep, everyone who “works” from home knows exactly why they bought a Mouse Jiggler
Despite advertising claims of preventing your Mac from going to sleep, everyone who “works” from home knows exactly why they bought a Mouse Jiggler
Another quiz based on odd phrases found in news articles
three, six, nine; the goose drank wine…
Only in San Francisco. These earnest entrepreneurs plug quarters into parking meters, set up a few tables and chairs, and rent “office” space by the half hour…
… the writer could have easily found an image of Pad Thai..
Enjoy carefully curated, cared-for beers with brunch in Beantown. Curated beers?
…take your growler on a canoe trip. Strap it to your bicycle…
If you have to ask, then you need another cup of coffee. If you need to read articles like this…
Drop in a couple quarters, and you could gather up your bags and cart them away…with Smarty Carties!
Two Filler Pieces from Apple News
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. This was an excellent and gripping story that left me breathless at every turn.
Here’s the perfect gift for…well, I really don’t know…