Interesting Phrase
You never can tell what odd contradictions you’ll find in new articles these days
You never can tell what odd contradictions you’ll find in new articles these days
A series of comments under a recent news article that were too good to not share
One afternoon in 1993 or 94, I took our 4-year-old daughter Fiona to Foothills Park above Palo Alto. It’s great for enjoying a picnic, hiking the trails, or playing catch.
Beware bosses bearing gifts!
Getting together with neighbors
Potential violence as I was driving home on a pleasant Australian country road
You learn the oddest things while eating lunch at The Scruffy Dog cafe
At one firm in the 1980s our group occupied cubicles in a row near some windows. I sat in…
Puns are the worst sort of humor. Musical puns are just tone deaf.
Lurking in the Comments section of news stories on the Internet often reveals some striking spontaneous humor
Sometimes printed and mailed advertising circulars go overboard with “truth in advertising”
Wisdom in the form of comments after a news item