Steve: who’s ready for a monday morning joke guyz?
Steve: knock knock…
Steve: who’s there?
Steve: Irish Stu
David: Oh hi, Stu, come on in, it’s been a while. What brings you round this way?
David: Just passing by, huh? Cool, cool. Just as long as Sarah didn’t kick you out of the house, ha ha
David: “Stu starts crying uncontrollably”
David: Oh shit, she did? Man, I am so sorry, I was just kidding. What the hell happened?
Steve: Can we not do this again, Dave, I’m just trying to tell a joke
Tim: Knock Knock
David: Wait a second, Stu, I think I hear someone at the door. I’ll go get rid of them. I’m sure it’s just a salesman…
David: Hello, can I help you?
Tim: I’m batman
Steve: Tim don’t encourage him!
David: Holy heck, it’s the caped crusader What are you doing here?
Tim: I’m not the caped crusader, I’m batman with a little b. I’m here to get rid of your bats.
David: Oh, I see. Still, it seems weird you’d show up in a bat costume if you’re only in pest control. I mean you don’t see regular exterminators fumigate houses dressed like giant wood lice.
Steve: I swear to god guys
Tim: Alright, you’ve got me, I’m not in pest control I’m here to see Stu.
David: Stu, do you know this guy?
David: Stu?
Tim: Why are you crying, Stu? Did you do it? Did you finally leave her?
David: Wait a second, are you two…?
Tim: Yes… we’re lovers.
Steve: Seriously Tim fsck off!!!
David: Well, that explains why Sarah kicked you out.
David: Doesn’t really explain the Batman costume though…
Tim: Lttle ‘b’, and take it up with the head office.
Tim: Stu I know you’re hurting right now but this is what we wanted. With Sarah gone we can finally be together
Danny: knock knock
David: For heaven’s sake, who is this now?
Steve: ffs dan please can I get back to my joke??
Ariane: LOL loving this!!!
Danny: my name is Detective Inspector Hardbottom and I’m investigating a very serious matter. You see there’s been… a murder
David: Oh my God!
David: But I don’t understand, what do you want with me?
Tim: I’m batman! (little b)
Danny: I’m not here for you or batman (little B) I’m here for your Gaelic friend over there.
Steve: if you don’t stop right now i’m unfriending the lot of you!!!
Tim: (I’m liking where this is going…)
Danny: Stuart please put your hands where I can see them. I’m booking you for the bloody murder of your wife, Sarah. In other words… IRISH STU IN THE NAME OF THE LAW
Steve: Seriously you can all get fscked.☕️