Pizza for Five
How do you pentasect a pizza?
How do you pentasect a pizza?
We bring you the latest in New Journalism
Fun reading what people write as answers to questions asked about an Amazon product
You learn the oddest things while eating lunch at The Scruffy Dog cafe
At one firm in the 1980s our group occupied cubicles in a row near some windows. I sat in…
My neighbor is a concert violinist and tends to take extended trips during the summer. Among other things, I…
I live next door to a lovely lady who is a music professor at our local university. During the…
Hi Pandora, I enjoyed your post about the outdoor theater. The reference to camping wasn’t that farfetched. Check out my article…
It was another lazy afternoon at The Scruffy Dog Cafe with a few of us regulars shooting the breeze…
Attention UPS and FedEx: You have competition [main_last]For your enlightenment, check out this Wikipedia link.[/main_last]
Galactic Federation Survey Report #25013 Civilization on Planet OGC 458-03 (“Earth”) Submitted by: Knarf, Survey Anthropologist 2nd Class Customs…
You fellas might remember that I was sent over to the IBM facility in Croydon, south of London” I…