Small Technicians
Fun reading what people write as answers to questions asked about an Amazon product
Fun reading what people write as answers to questions asked about an Amazon product
confusion at Kroger
Do it the cheap way by sticking a Band-aid over the camera, or you can spend a bundle on…
A good way to showcase an odd instrument.☕️
Class clowns sawing away.☕️
Copied an interesting thread on a chat line
If you like chilling and dramatic horror stories, this is for you!
Sometimes you realize that certain utensils are better for certain foods on your plate
Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly. When they lit a fire in the craft it sank, proving…
Q: What do you call a 3.14-foot long snake?
[click “Continue Reading” for the answer]
Customer service reps are truly underpaid
Nice “customer service” story I found on a comments thread.