Exhausted With Bad Puns
Lurking in the Comments section of news stories on the Internet often reveals some striking spontaneous humor
Lurking in the Comments section of news stories on the Internet often reveals some striking spontaneous humor
Sometimes printed and mailed advertising circulars go overboard with “truth in advertising”
Wisdom in the form of comments after a news item
The following comment thread began in comments relating to a post about the hunk of junk Ken Ham calls…
Who knew that Chemistry would produce such elemental humor
Rand Paul in Concert Even politicians need to take time to make [main_last]music.[/main_last]
I always took comfort and delight in knowing that dyslexia is an anagram of “daily sex.” FWIW, an anadram…
(Benny) The best way to avoid giving birth to a sousaphone player is to have a tuba ligation. (Glenn)…
Attention UPS and FedEx: You have competition [main_last]For your enlightenment, check out this Wikipedia link.[/main_last]
Watching TouTube videos of musical performances often yield interesting glimpses into performers’ activities