Another Quiz
Another quiz based on odd phrases found in news articles
Another quiz based on odd phrases found in news articles
Enjoy carefully curated, cared-for beers with brunch in Beantown. Curated beers?
Fun reading what people write as answers to questions asked about an Amazon product
Q: What do you call a 3.14-foot long snake?
[click “Continue Reading” for the answer]
Nice “customer service” story I found on a comments thread.
Nothing attracts commenters more than a pun thread. Dough unto others as you would have them dough unto you,…
I was listening to some radio quiz program called Says You! while on the road shortly after February 14,…
Out-of-touch-with-Reality Silicon Valley “bros” have been smoking something bad when they manage to convince each other to pay $35…
The Taxman Cometh…
The following comment thread began in comments relating to a post about the hunk of junk Ken Ham calls…