A B-747 Experience
The Queen of the Skies was truly a wonderful ship.
Decades of my life
The Queen of the Skies was truly a wonderful ship.
Serious tit-for-tat Cold War harassing tactics
Summer pizza in the garden with neighbors
Sometimes you realize that certain utensils are better for certain foods on your plate
Do not ever forget to log off a shared terminal; not doing so could have terminal consquences
California boy guiding tour bus of American soldiers through East Berlin
Sometimes simply relocating elsewhere has amusing consequences
Never follow a set routine
Don’t try to put one over on the 1st Sergeant as they always get even!
One afternoon in 1993 or 94, I took our 4-year-old daughter Fiona to Foothills Park above Palo Alto. It’s great for enjoying a picnic, hiking the trails, or playing catch.
Beware bosses bearing gifts!
Getting together with neighbors