Ugly Encounter at a “T” Intersection in Australia
Potential violence as I was driving home on a pleasant Australian country road
Potential violence as I was driving home on a pleasant Australian country road
My neighbor is a concert violinist and tends to take extended trips during the summer. Among other things, I…
I live next door to a lovely lady who is a music professor at our local university. During the…
Hi Pandora, I enjoyed your post about the outdoor theater. The reference to camping wasn’t that farfetched. Check out my article…
Heh, made me think of armadillos. Or as I like to call them, nature’s speed-bump. They are low to…
Back in the 50s when I was in Jr. High in Los Altos, the town had a Dad’s Club…
[su_quote]A Half-pound of Angus beef, delicately seasoned, flame-broiled as you like it with butter lettuce, crisp dill pickle, sweet…
You fellas might remember that I was sent over to the IBM facility in Croydon, south of London” I…
In the 80s and 90s I flew into London several times a year. I usually had a hotel booked…
[dropcap]From[/dropcap] ’85 to ’89 I was frequently heading to London to work with British Telecom on equipment that we…