For several years I had been using a Mac program called DevonThink to perform OCR on scans of some 70 issues of The Ecphorizer, which is no longer published.  I wanted to create an online version for posterity.

Sometime in 2009 or so I contacted the support team at Devon Technologies for help with a small problem.  It turned out that the support “team” was one person –  Bill Deville – who, it turned out, lived in Brown County, Indiana, just 20 minutes away.  Bill  was a widower and several years older, but we struck up a friendship born out of several mutual interests, meeting for lunch at least once a month.

One of our favorite hangouts was Brownie’s Family Restaurant, not too far from his home in the hills above Indiana’s famed artist colony town of Nashville.[su_pullquote]2010[/su_pullquote]This quaint diner in Indiana’s Brown County is a great family-owned place that serves excellent food at reasonable prices. Besides the good taste of down-home cookin’, their Friday Special was “All U Can Eat” fried fresh catfish, an instant winner with my daughter Fiona and me.

This roadside cafe was run by Ed “Brownie” Brown and his wife Shirley until 2016, when first Shirley, then Ed passed away.

Our usual hostess was Tony, and the head chef was Patti, both of whom took the best care of all. the customers, which ranged from local farmers and seniors looking for good meals and a cup of coffee, or bikers passing through on a weekend trip following the yellow line, or tourists visiting the nearly Bill Monroe Music Park and Campground, and even a few students and locals from Bloomington – one county west. ☕️