Do you use Apple News on your iPad?  I find it okay for reading straight news fom the NYT, WaPo, New Yorker, Atlantic, and others but there the app is just cluttered like walking through a garbage dump. It’s littered with 80% fluff pieces like the favorite fast food place in every state or the best place for sushi in every state.  Come on, who gives a shit? Like knowing that Yiannis Sinopoli’s Sushi in North Platte, Nebraska is the favorite in Nebraska?  So 20 people liked it, 89% think it’s Greek food, 17% don’t like rice, and the rest had no opinion.

Then there are the “ten best things for 5-minute dinners” on sale this week at Amazon. And on and on.

But the best, by which I mean the least literate, is this article about beer growlers.

I really can do without these so-called influencers and dorks who get paid to write filler articles on news site that are nothing but thinly-disguised advertising copy about things that they obviously know nothing about.

Here’s a real piece of crap from the above article:


While Coleman’s growler isn’t exactly proactive about keeping carbonation, your suds will stay frosty for up to 76 hours in its double-walled, vacuum-insulated, stainless steel construction. This heavy-duty outdoor jug gives you access to ale or malt at the exact right temperature on any backpacking trip, or just in the backyard for three days in a row, as long as you want to keep the hops coming. And it’s got a textured grip that defies sweaty hands. Take it with you on a canoe trip, or a bike ride, or anywhere.

Yeah, take your growler on a canoe trip.  Strap it to your bicycle. Because, you know, it’s got that textured grip! Just remember, you still gotta lug it home!

Who writes this shit?  Certainly no one who has gone backpacking or even hiking for a few miles.  When backpacking you are carrying your life on your back for one or two overnights, or even more. You bring in dehydrated meals where you add water, then cook. You bring in powdered milk or iced tea mix, and instant coffee. You bring trail mix. You bring water in a canteen for the hike into the creek area where you’ll camp. You basically count the pounds that you’re willing to carry. A 64 ounce growler adds four pounds of liquid weight plus the weight of the growler.  The growler itself displaces a fair amount of volume that could hold lots of jerky.

Not to mention that if you have that growler strapped to your bike, you run the risk of being stopped by The Law for transporting opened alcoholic containers.☕️